Saturday, 2 December 2017

First of all I would like to thank all of you on behalf of our family to come and celebrate birth and life of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. It is our great privilege to have you all here on this auspicious occasion. May Allah  accept and reward us all for this.

Prophet Muhammad is one of the greatest man in the history of the world. More than 1.8 billion people follow his teachings and morals. A man who was born 1400 years ago in a far-fetched land of Arabia who had at that time no connection to any civilisation. Within 63 years of his life he changed the history of the world forever. This probably is the greatest achievement the world has ever seen.

His life is worthy to be celebrated and remembered every day. His moral standards, his decisions, his piety and his respect for life is worth sharing and learning  from. We all should reflect on our lives in the shadows of the life of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and learn from his examples.

We hope that today's experience will be of a spiritual fulfilment.  Where we all will be able to learn, share, and improve our lives and our society.

Every event in Prophet Muhammad's life has a lesson for all the humanity. I would like to bring 3 of the lessons from his beautiful life. I hope we will learn from these examples and reflect on our lives.

First lesson from the life of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him I would like to share today is his kindness towards others. If we read his biography and other scriptures written about him they are full of example of his kindness. Kindness not just to the fellow human being but even to the animals. He never spoke harsh words to anyone. He never betrayed anyone. He never broke any of his promises. He always respected women and children even in the worst of the circumstances. Allah called him as Rehmat for all the universe.

Second lesson I would like to share today is his conduct in relation to their communities which were persecuted. Be it the women of that era or the slaves or the poor. He was always there to listen to them to help them out and to stand for their rights. In his last sermons he was who said "O people! Indeed, your Lord is one and your father is one. Indeed, there is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab, nor of a non-Arab over an Arab, nor of a white over a black, nor a black over a white, except by taqwa." In the world full of hate bigotry and persecution he was and still is  a beacon of light.

The third lesson I would like to share  about the life of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is his simplicity. He spent all his life as a simple man. He did not had a big house nor did he had lots of money but still commanded respect of all the Arabian peninsula. His diet was simple his dress was simple, his  lifestyle was simple his house was simple. He ever eaten a lavish meal. he always donated everything which was more than what we needed. He could have all the riches of the world but he opted for simple and honest life.

I think we all should reflect on our lives based on lessons from the holy life of Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him.

May allah shower his countless blessings on Prophet muhammad and family and enable to follow their footsteps.


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