Saturday, 8 February 2014

Sharia as they (taliban) see it!

1-Mulla will have a sole, proprietary right of interpreting Sharia.
2-Only certified pious, "aadil", male person will be able to contest elections.
3-No Co-education
4-No Films
5-No Music.
6- Probably no Female allowed to drive
7-Only Halal Sports
8-Ban on TV
9-State will make sure that you do 5 Namaz, 30 Rozay, 1 Hajj and  Zakaat unless you hold a Valid exemption certificate.
10-State will have a right to jump into your bed room and search your laptops to see, Are you involved in Halal activities or not?
11-You will have to keep a valid Nikkah Nama if you have a wife; otherwise get ready to have 100 lashes or  stoning to death.
12-state will be able smell you breath and ask you to blow into Alco-Meter.
13-If you are lucky enough to have a religious believes, you will have to show a proof that those believes are inline with the state's authenticated believes no just heresy.
14-Muharram jaloos, Milad-e-Nabi, Urs, Shab-e-Biraaat , and all othr Biddahs of similar kind will be completely banned.
15-state will define whats modesty and whats vulgarity and will make sure you adhere to that definition.
16- New Year, Chrismas, Valentine day, Basant; Dont even dare to think about these.
17-Forget about you right to abuse to your elected leaders, Khalifah's respect will be part of Sharia Law.

list goes on and on ------------------

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