Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Problem with Abd-AlAziz's arguments.

Most of us have seen the resurgence of Maulana Abd-AlAziz on Media. This has come amongst the talks with the Taliban as one of their interlocutor. Most of us, are old enough to, remember his famous last
minutes, escape effort from the siege of Lal Masjid in Burqah. He has been very passionately arguing about the Imposition of Sharia Law in Pakistan and fighting his case very eloquently. Few nights ago I could see him on almost all TV Channels blasting his political and religious opponent with his passionate, sellable and ,on surface, logical points.

Whats making me angry and worried is this; why nobody was able to 'shut his mouth' if I may put it a crude form. We could see this in most all programmes that the participants were from same political, religious and ideological backgrounds saying almost same things with slight different words. I see no difference between Abd-AlAziz, Mufti Kiffayat of JUI-F and Siraj Al-Haq of JI. They were all defending same things with little
difference beyond the surface. And when any one else Like Marvi Sarmad, Hamid Raza or other tried to present counter-narrative, they were stopped and everyone else Joined  Abd-AlAziz to attack them. I don't have any problem with Abd-AlAziz and Co having different opinions than mine or others. I believe in diversity and pluralism. But what they are trying to sell, portray or and propagate is neither diverse nor pluralistic. I think all of us who believe in a diverse, pluralistic and progressive Pakistan must need to counter that narrative and must so do with rational arguments. The flaws which I found in Abd-AlAziz's arguments are the following

I think we all who believe that  religion is a personal matter and I am responsible and answerable for my acts only and only to my creator, should and must stand in front of this efforts. The effort to take that right away from me and be outsourced to a scary mullah has no idea of present world and modern times.

Constitution is Un Islamic (ie Kuffr) : This is the most absurd argument which is repeatedly being broadcasted free of cost to millions and millions of Pakistanis. This is blatantly untrue. I believe that constitution like a country or a house or a hospital cannot be either religious or irreligious. But as far as principles,on which this constitution is based on, is concerned they are very much Islamic. The signatures of eminent religio-politcial authorities of the time is an unequivocal evidence that the founding principles of the constitution are Islamic. This is the only piece of document where all the sects living In Pakistan, all the political parties and an overwhelming Majority of the civilians in this country, agree upon. Its because of this Importance of its being the consensus document among the citizens of Pakistan that all the dictators never manage to repeal it. Maligning a consensus document and then presenting one brands of Islam as a divine law is a very dangerous route which will only lead to bloody civil war and anarchy.

State Needs to Implement Sharia: This is another argument given many times by the Abd-AlAziz and Co. In order to understands completely one need to understand the difference between a sin and crime. These are
two different term and had different meanings. Sin is a subject of religion and reward or punishment will be by the supreme authority of that religion. Demanding that somehow state should punish for the "sins" is not right. What Abd-AlAziz wants is that state should leave its most important jobs (security , health, education, infrastructure and Jobs for its citizens) and start smelling peoples breath for alcohol, or check length of peoples beard or women's dress and chastity. I think its wild ghost chase and state had never, can never and will never achieve. One typical example from recent past is of Taliban Regime of Afghanistan, they used thestate power to impose sharia, morality, modesty, and  good manners. But when the regime was toppled there were queues in front of barber shops to get the beard shaven off and women burning their Burqahs.

Maullahs has Right to Interpret Sharia: This is what Abd-AlAziz & Co actually wants to gain from Sharia. I think what they want is to have a sole right to interpret Sharia for state. By this these people will control states domestic, foreign and most importantly its monetary policies. As our current constitution says Allah has sovereignty that will be exercise by the representatives of the people of Pakistan. What these Mullah want to do is this; they want to take people of Pakistan and their representative out from the equation and want themselves to exercise that right of sovereignty of Allah. I feels very much disgust with mere idea of that people like Abd-AlAziz will be telling me, my wife, my children what's commands of Allah for us. A really Scary scenario to even think of.

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