Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Police encounter of Malik Ishaq

Malik Ishaq, one of the most notorious sectarian killer our generation has seen has been killed in a police encounter along with two of his sons. He was allegedly involved in the killing of 100 to 115 people from his opponent religious sect ie Shi’ites. He spent many years in prison and was eventually released as nobody was ready to give any evidence against him. He was a leading a banned sectarian organisation with the name of Lashkar e Jhangvi. He was probably among the top two or three people who were involved in the most brutal religious sectarian killings..

He was always considered as politically close to PMLn and the political parties of the right of the political spectrum. One of the leader of PMLn, Rana SanaUllah, has direct contact with this group. He will also be getting stipend from Punjab government. In last few years since his release from the prison he was playing the role of a figurehead of a sectarian organisation with the name of ASWJ (Ahl Sunnat Wal Jammat). I don't think he was recently involved in direct extremists/sectarian killings. It's interesting to know that he was the person who was in prison when GHQ was attacked by the extremists. He was taken from a jail on a helicopter, brought to the GHQ, to negotiate a deal with the extremists who have taken hostage few of the army officers. He was also considered to be close to military establishment.

His shooting in a police encounter has come as somewhat of a surprise to many people who were not expecting this. The reason was that there is no direct clash between PMLn and ASWJ. ASW J is considered as close to PMLn politically and ideologically. So it was right not to expect this from PMLn lead Punjab government. But it was PMLn who in 1990s took a decisive step against the Sunni extremist groups and started eliminating their top leadership in allegedly fake police encounters. It was Sipah e Sahabah (the ideological mother organization of ASWJ). In the current given circumstances, I'm doubtful that it is the PMLn government policy to start a compaign against Sunni sectarian extremists. Can it be some more powerful Institutes in Pakistan who could do this without even asking permission from PMLn’s government? I think it's possible.

Whatever has been the cause of killing of Malik Ishaq it would be interesting to see how the future turns out to be. PMLn is in a difficult position as it cannot go head on to clash with the ASWJ. If this is the powerful institutes in Pakistan who has decided to go against the Sunni extremist groups (ASWJ) without the permission of PMLn then it will put PMLn in a very awkward position. Is this the same thing what happening in Sindh where Rangers are doing what they think is right, without even any consent from Sindh Government. I'm not sure but I feel this is what probably starting to happen in Punjab.

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