Thursday, 28 January 2021

PDM threat and PTI Government

Pakistan democratic movement (PDM) is  threatening the PTI govt with resignation from assemblies and launching a popular movement against them. Is it really possible for the PDM to do this without any help from the all-powerful military establishment? This is a key question on the minds of many political analysts. Pakistani politics is a very interesting field who has its power players. Its most important player, the military establishment,  as it seems they are fully backing the PTI govt.
But the failures of PTI to perform has definitely put them on the back foot. They would definitely want to support the PTI govt and would love to see it succeed. But at the same time they will definitely not like to share the burden of its failure. 
In the current situation I feel Pakistan military establishment can be convinced to withdraw backings of the PTI government for an in house change. But in this PDM will have to give some space and concessions to the Military establishment. This could be a safe exit to the two main architects of this fassade of the PTI government and some tweekings of the 18th amendment. 
Will all PDM parties and military-establishment agree to this; is a question worth a wait.  If not then I don't think PPP and (Shahbaz element in) the PMLN will go ahead for a final show down battle with the establishment backed PTI in Islamabad. In that case we will have to wait for the next elections 2023 in a post Bajco world.

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