Thursday, 16 August 2012

Thanks Mr Basit Mehmood for deleting my comments . I am rewriting these again and also posting it to my blog there are Few Fundamental Flaws in your argument and they are factually incorrect. 1-People are 'Jahil' and 'Poor' that's why they voted for the politicians: this rubbish we are hearing from the dictators and their dalaals for ages. but these jahil and poor people never voted for any dictator even when the oxford graduated learned politicians i mean Imran where thinking dictators as Maseha and were their polling agents. poor and Jahil people were voting for the democrats. The people were more Jahil and more poor when they voted for Jinnah in 1940s against congress. 2-CJP son is adult and CJP is not reproducible for his actions: what about CJP house being used as a company address of his son for his fake businesses. what about Mrs CJP having Monty Carloo trip. Is she a free adult as well? 3-"Democracy z a name of a system" what a joke; democracy is a form of Government and System is a product of it. so get your ideas clear 4- Aitzaz is bias because he is Gilanis Lawyer and CEC member : but he was also CJP lawyer and memeber of SC Bar Association 5- Zardari was convicted in Swiss court: that decision was "Quashed". now go and read about meaning of "Quashed" 6- if AAZ z clean then why he z not writing letter. Clean man got no fear: I think you need to udnerstand basic fundamental of law. every one is innocent untill proven Guilty. so he who claims has to prove the claims. if you think Zardari is corrupt you need to prove that he is corrupt. NOT that he has to prove that he is NOT corrupt. this is called Burdon of prof which lies with you rather than Zardari. In simple words in lay man terms if you claims that you can fly then you need to prove it. i don't need to prove that you CANNOT fly.

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