Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Future of Afghanistan; A Reply to Dr Babar Awan

This is written in response to Dr Baber Awan column in daily Jang dated 15/10/13. I read that because Hassan Nisar praised that column in his own column next day.

I personally don't think Dr Awan analysis is much different that what we hear most days on TV. Bottom line of his theory is that war in Afghanistan, Iraq and Arab spring is a design of  the US, with the help of Arab "petro-dollars" to make sure Israel territorial security could be established. He also added India into it. According to him US wanted to give India a leadership role in South East Asia.

I personally think this is flawed theory and is mainly based on the same flawed pretext that US is the enemy of the Muslims and it wanted to 'get them'. The theory that there is an axial of evil in the world which includes US, Israel and India. This is based on the same pretext where most (right wing) theories are based. This is what most notorious , conservative, commentators in Pakistan believe in including Zaid Hamid, Ansar Abbasi, Orya Maqbool Jan and others. This is where all their further theories stem from. i.e "Malala is good innocent girl But now has been high jacked by the west", "TTP are our own rouge children which are rough because of US policies", "Afghan Taliban are doing Jehad against US" so on so forth.

I think all these events Dr Awan tried to lump together in one theory are actually multifactorial. War in Afghanistan and Iraq had different reasons. Same way Arab spring has different factors in different countries. Lumping these all together, creating a picture of own choice with these amalgamated facts with wrong assertions and interpretations I think qualifies as intellectual dishonesty. Afghan war was done because US was attacked by people who were hiding in Afghanistan. No world power ever in the history of the world, when attacked like this, could afford to let its enemy go without punishment because it weakens their position as world super power.

Iraq war has totally different dimensions US oil companies interests, some concerns about mass destruction weapons, and a rouge state to world superpower in middle of  strategically  important area were the few reasons which lead to Iraq War. Arab spring was different reasons , rise of social media, people's awareness of their rights and freedom, chronic dictatorships, poor living conditions all synch together lead to a genuine upbringing among Arab youth. This took many in west including US by surprise, they never expected that to happen. US couldn't control or guide it otherwise they would never let go their best man in Egypt Husni Mubarak who guaranteed Israeli security for decades.

US (like any other country in the world) is neither anyone's permanent friend nor anyone's permanent enemy. It has it's own interest and policies in line with its own benefit, progress and prosperity. If our interest synch with US interest then we are friends and if our interests contradicts with US interests then we aren't friends. The level and severity of the clash of the interests between any countries dictates their relationship with each other.

Sunday, 13 October 2013

Eid Al-Adha

Muslims all over the world will be celebrating Eid Al-Adha in next few days. Its an occasion which marks the culmination of Hajj, a holy Pilgrim to the Holy shrine of Makkah. Its also a remembrance to the great sacrifice of Prophet Abrahim PBUH, When he sacrificed his beloved son for Allah's command. Allah replaced his son with an animal from the heavens. As the story goes Abraham saw the vision that Allah asked the sacrifice of his son, He spoke to his son,which happy agreed.He laid his son and was about to slit his throat, an angle came down to him and replaced thats sacrifice with an animal from the heavens. This is depicted very well in these pictures.  

Now Muslims all over the world celebrate this day by Sacrificing animals to Allah for fulfilling of the old age tradition. Its empirically,almost compulsory for all able Muslims to do this act on the day of Eid Al-Adha. Muslims all across the World sacrifice different animals on these days. Theologically its Not a compulsory act ie farḍ but a sunnah of the prophet PBUH.  But majority of the muslims who has the means to do it, does this sacrifice as  matter of tradition, compulsory because of social, religious and peer pressures.

When we try to understands what the bottom line message in all this exercise, there can be many interpretation of the true message in this story or tradition.  One is the sense of charity and to sacrifice your most precious, loved things in the name of Allah. Second inference is that its the action on the command of Allah. Third inference which could be deducted is that Allah wanted the Muslims which have means to take care of the the ones which not able to afford the basic of necessity ie food.

Now when we look into today's wold and the customs of the our muslims countries and their population, Eid Al-Adha seems empty from its core message.  People are just slaughtering animals and thinking that their duty is done. I think the message goes much beyond it. Mere Sacrificing of the animals cannot complete meanings of true Sacrifice.  It needs to be personalised and specified to times, place and circumstances. I don't think Sacrificing a goat, camel, or a cow should or will fulfil the need or meanings of true Sacrifice. In times of changing world we need to reflect that are we really fulfilling the true meanings of Sacrifice by slaughtering a goat, camel, cow or other animal in the name of the merciful? I don't think so but i leave your decision for yourself.

Have a Happy Eid Al-Adha.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Sick Mindset

Malala Yousafzai, 16 years old school shot by Taliban last year for standing for the rights of young girls to get education is now a days in news. She was nominated for the Nobel peace prize but failed to get it as it's went to Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) . All this made Malala, an international icon. Her book is recently launched and her interviews are running all over the famous TV channels. She is getting support all around the world to get the Nobel peace prize. Almost every big political party from Pakistan supported her and declaring her as the daughter of Pakistan.

But this also brought some really nasty sickening kind of response from some sick minds of the Pakistani society. It was really shocking to see how people malign this young girl. She was abused, declared as "drama", "agent of the west" , "plying in the hands of the west". It was not just the few unknown trolls on the social media but some very well known figures on Pakistan political and media side. Maulana Sami Al-haq , godfather of the Taliban,  called her being used by the west. Dr Amir Liaqat Hussain , an other famous televengalist wrote a column in daily Jang , asking to raise the issues of prophets blasphemy and decline to accept Nobel prize.

On social media the response was painfully degrading. Even very learned with degrees in medicine, supposedly the cream of nation and the highest of the highly educated people of Pakistan were openly claiming to "hate her' because she is an "agent of west".  When some sane people from the society tried to argue with them to understand why they are having so hatred, they didn't had any concrete rational answer. They had mere flashy statements which they have watched, listened or read in Pakistan's so called free media. Their objections, opinions , assertions were not even coherent and were lacking the basic level of sanity.

When I tried to understand why these people hate Malala so much. What has she done to them? Why do they have so much of a venom against her? Why these, very civilised, learned, urban, well to do people cannot even accept a young girl from their own country potentially able to clinch Nobel peace prize. The conclusion I reached is that it's the same hatred , bias, venom, which they all exhibited against every one who tried to portray the image of Pakistan as a progressive, liberal ,democratic forward looking country. They all have deeply ingrained hatred against Benazir Bhutto, Shermain Obaid Chinnoy, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Dr Abdus Salam, Salman Taseer, Bashir Bilour. This is because all these personalities made a mark on national and some on international levels and portrayed Pakistan positive image, an image which is contrary to their interpretation of Pakistan.There interpretation where Pakistan is a country living in dark ages under some draconian out dated laws. 

Thursday, 10 October 2013

صرف بینظیر کے نام پر شہر نہیں ہوسکتا

باقی ہر کتے ، بلے ،عرب آمروں، تاریخ کے دلالوں کا نام پر تاریخی شہروں ، گلیوں ، روڈوں ، پارکوں، چوراہوں کے نام بدلے جاییں تو کسی کو کوئی اعتراض نہیں

رہے نام الله کا

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Musharraf has been granted bail.

Its a leading news today that Musharraf has been granted Bail in Akber Bugti Murder case in Supreme court of Pakistan.
It came as a surprise to most of the people that how come SCP has grant a bail to a person who is considered as a "butcher of Baluchistan" by many people. But it was an expected outcome by few of the commentators in Pakistan.
according to them SC Of Pakistan cannot and will never punish even a retired army chief. Their "ehstasab", rule, regulations and punishments are only for "bloody civilian politicians". Army is a Holy Cow and a No Go Area for them.
Its also worth mentioning that This SC has hanged one PM ZA Bhutto in a dubious murder case and has Punished the other PM, Nawaz Sharif, for life imprisonment for again a dubious Case.

Hence, as it was expected, This SC is a stooge/Pimp of Pakistan Army and cannot touch any of its Generals (even when they are retired) 

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Urs Hazrat Qibla e Alam Khawaja Noor Mohammad Maharvi RA

Today is 3rd day of the Urs of Hazrat Khawaja Noor Mohammad Maharvi RA, a Sufi Saint of chishtia Sufi order.

He is one of the most prominent Sufi Saint of Chishtia order, probably the 2nd most renowned after Baba Farid RA of PakPattan.

His known disciples and followers include the darbars of Taunsa sharif, Kot mithan sharif, Siyal Sharif, Bhera Sharif, Golra sharif.

He himself was the disciple of Hazrat Maolana Fakhr Jahan RA of Aurangabad of India.

His main teaching teachings include purification of soul, respect of humans irrespective of cast, creed, religion and social status, and to make selfless efforts to attains change from inside of the body.

He will be remembered for bringing positive change in the lives of millions and millions ordinary people of indo-pak.

May Allah shower his blessings on his pious soul.

دھرتی دے وچ امن سکون ہا ایہ کیا تھی گیے ؟ 
چٹا نہ ہائی رتا خون ہا؛ ایہ کیا تھی گیے؟

سانونڑ ووٹھے ، وسوں نیں تھیی ، جھگا ڈھے پیے  
بدلے اوسن ، نیک شگون ہا؛ ایہ کیا تھی گیے؟

کھلدے ہسدے بال تاں گھر توں مکتب گیے ہن 
بستہ ول آیے، خون و خون ہا؛ ایہ کیا تھی گیے؟

ظفر ہیر دے جھنگ کون دیکھو دھیه پھر گیا ہے
ایہو جھنگ ہآ ؛ پیار قانون ہا؛ ایہ کیا تھی گیے؟ 

تیزابیت اور گیسٹرائٹس کی علامات کو کم کرنے والی غذائیں   تیزابیت اور گیسٹرائٹس کی وجہ سے ہونے والی تکلیف کو کم کرنے کے لیے کچھ غذائیں مددگار...