Friday, 11 October 2013

Sick Mindset

Malala Yousafzai, 16 years old school shot by Taliban last year for standing for the rights of young girls to get education is now a days in news. She was nominated for the Nobel peace prize but failed to get it as it's went to Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) . All this made Malala, an international icon. Her book is recently launched and her interviews are running all over the famous TV channels. She is getting support all around the world to get the Nobel peace prize. Almost every big political party from Pakistan supported her and declaring her as the daughter of Pakistan.

But this also brought some really nasty sickening kind of response from some sick minds of the Pakistani society. It was really shocking to see how people malign this young girl. She was abused, declared as "drama", "agent of the west" , "plying in the hands of the west". It was not just the few unknown trolls on the social media but some very well known figures on Pakistan political and media side. Maulana Sami Al-haq , godfather of the Taliban,  called her being used by the west. Dr Amir Liaqat Hussain , an other famous televengalist wrote a column in daily Jang , asking to raise the issues of prophets blasphemy and decline to accept Nobel prize.

On social media the response was painfully degrading. Even very learned with degrees in medicine, supposedly the cream of nation and the highest of the highly educated people of Pakistan were openly claiming to "hate her' because she is an "agent of west".  When some sane people from the society tried to argue with them to understand why they are having so hatred, they didn't had any concrete rational answer. They had mere flashy statements which they have watched, listened or read in Pakistan's so called free media. Their objections, opinions , assertions were not even coherent and were lacking the basic level of sanity.

When I tried to understand why these people hate Malala so much. What has she done to them? Why do they have so much of a venom against her? Why these, very civilised, learned, urban, well to do people cannot even accept a young girl from their own country potentially able to clinch Nobel peace prize. The conclusion I reached is that it's the same hatred , bias, venom, which they all exhibited against every one who tried to portray the image of Pakistan as a progressive, liberal ,democratic forward looking country. They all have deeply ingrained hatred against Benazir Bhutto, Shermain Obaid Chinnoy, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Dr Abdus Salam, Salman Taseer, Bashir Bilour. This is because all these personalities made a mark on national and some on international levels and portrayed Pakistan positive image, an image which is contrary to their interpretation of Pakistan.There interpretation where Pakistan is a country living in dark ages under some draconian out dated laws. 

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