Sunday, 13 October 2013

Eid Al-Adha

Muslims all over the world will be celebrating Eid Al-Adha in next few days. Its an occasion which marks the culmination of Hajj, a holy Pilgrim to the Holy shrine of Makkah. Its also a remembrance to the great sacrifice of Prophet Abrahim PBUH, When he sacrificed his beloved son for Allah's command. Allah replaced his son with an animal from the heavens. As the story goes Abraham saw the vision that Allah asked the sacrifice of his son, He spoke to his son,which happy agreed.He laid his son and was about to slit his throat, an angle came down to him and replaced thats sacrifice with an animal from the heavens. This is depicted very well in these pictures.  

Now Muslims all over the world celebrate this day by Sacrificing animals to Allah for fulfilling of the old age tradition. Its empirically,almost compulsory for all able Muslims to do this act on the day of Eid Al-Adha. Muslims all across the World sacrifice different animals on these days. Theologically its Not a compulsory act ie farḍ but a sunnah of the prophet PBUH.  But majority of the muslims who has the means to do it, does this sacrifice as  matter of tradition, compulsory because of social, religious and peer pressures.

When we try to understands what the bottom line message in all this exercise, there can be many interpretation of the true message in this story or tradition.  One is the sense of charity and to sacrifice your most precious, loved things in the name of Allah. Second inference is that its the action on the command of Allah. Third inference which could be deducted is that Allah wanted the Muslims which have means to take care of the the ones which not able to afford the basic of necessity ie food.

Now when we look into today's wold and the customs of the our muslims countries and their population, Eid Al-Adha seems empty from its core message.  People are just slaughtering animals and thinking that their duty is done. I think the message goes much beyond it. Mere Sacrificing of the animals cannot complete meanings of true Sacrifice.  It needs to be personalised and specified to times, place and circumstances. I don't think Sacrificing a goat, camel, or a cow should or will fulfil the need or meanings of true Sacrifice. In times of changing world we need to reflect that are we really fulfilling the true meanings of Sacrifice by slaughtering a goat, camel, cow or other animal in the name of the merciful? I don't think so but i leave your decision for yourself.

Have a Happy Eid Al-Adha.

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