Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Musharraf has been granted bail.

Its a leading news today that Musharraf has been granted Bail in Akber Bugti Murder case in Supreme court of Pakistan.
It came as a surprise to most of the people that how come SCP has grant a bail to a person who is considered as a "butcher of Baluchistan" by many people. But it was an expected outcome by few of the commentators in Pakistan.
according to them SC Of Pakistan cannot and will never punish even a retired army chief. Their "ehstasab", rule, regulations and punishments are only for "bloody civilian politicians". Army is a Holy Cow and a No Go Area for them.
Its also worth mentioning that This SC has hanged one PM ZA Bhutto in a dubious murder case and has Punished the other PM, Nawaz Sharif, for life imprisonment for again a dubious Case.

Hence, as it was expected, This SC is a stooge/Pimp of Pakistan Army and cannot touch any of its Generals (even when they are retired) 

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