Saturday, 8 November 2014

Problems with Imran Khan and his narrative

May God save me from wrath of his internet titans. I am writing this to explain why I don't support Imran Khan and why I feel his narrative is not in synch with my vision of Pakistan.

Imran Khan sb has become the biggest hit in Pakistani politics since Bhutto. His popularity and support seems to be at the pinnacle of its peak. almost every Pakistani you speak to, or communicate to, will be having sympathies for his political career.  At times it seems that he has no opponents. He is the favourite boy of, the all powerful, Pakistani 'elite' which control media, beauracrasy and military. everything is going right for him. It seems that if he continued like this one day he will be the prime minister of Pakistan. Which is his ultimate aim.

its not that he has no opponents, his opponents are as vicious as his supporters. To be honest I have never supported him and has no intention to do so in future. But at times i ask myself; why i don't support him? Almost everyone from my social class is 'paying member' of his party. Here are my reasons why i don't consider him as a masonic figure.

I feel imran Khan lack's political ideology. he is a right wing political when he claims to be nationalistic, religious and anti-libearlism. But at the same time he stands on the left of the ideological spectrum when he talks out of Pakistan specially in India, Briton or United states. He claims that his party and Jammat-e-Islami are similar in ideology but simultaneously he makes some liberal standings and proclamations. I feel he is neither here or there and does what he feels convenient at times. His attacks on NGO and HRCP are really disturbing and unfair. His political alliance with Jamat-e-Islami, the ideologue of the central politics in Pakistan, is also an evidence that he has more tendencies to lie on the right of political spectrum. he was also found campaigning for Zac Goldsmith his ex brother in law and tories MP from Richmond. 

I think IK views about most issues are very simplistic to a level of naivety. His claim of ending corruption in 90 days of attaining power. His claim thats suicidal bombing in Pakistan is a direction reaction of drones attacks in Pakistan. His claims terrorist activities in Pakistan started after US invaded Afghanistan. His views that some how Zardari and Nawaz Sharif are the one responsible for every ill in Pakistan. all these makes me think that either he is naive or conveniently misreprestating the issues. 

I always felt that IK priorities are wrong. It seems that he is in a hurry to become the prime minister and thats it. He think, in a country where people are slaughtered and burnt alive by religious madness, corruption is main problem. A country where army has ruled directly for more than half of its existence two 'allegedly' corrupt leaders are the biggest problem. to a barbaric force who has killed more than 80,000 pakistanies he thinks surrender and negotiation is the best way forward. it seems daft to me to come up to these conclusions.  

His criminal silence on the main issues of Pakistan is also one of the main concern of mine to support him. He is silent on atrocities in Baluchistan atrocities, role of Army and ISI in political game, Taliban and their atrocities on poor people of Pakistan, Army and its role in the hibernating, promoting and protecting religious extremism and using it as a tool in local and international level. His will mainly speak about corruptions of the politicians and poor governance of the politicians and will conveniently ignore the fact that still in Pakistan there people and institutes which are more powerful than political, government and even the state of Pakistan. he will never say a single word against them. 

Imran Khan has dictatorial and fascist tendencies in his personality. Since his cricketing career he sees himself as some how larger than life character who has some almighty power. He claims to be the only non corrupt, not for sale, nationalist leader who has the key to solve every problem of Pakistan and anyone who doesn't believe in or disagrees is a 'liberal fascist', corrupt , "agent" of someone else. These tendencies then transcend down to his followers and social media is evidence to it that anyone who believe anything contrary to their believes gets abuse. Hence they are called 'trollz' 

I think imran khan is a good addition to Pakistani politics but i really do think that he is dangerous horse to bet on. 

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