Sunday, 20 June 2010

سچ مچ کا ونواس

سیتا کو دیکھے سارا گاؤں
آگ پہ کیسے دھرے گی پاؤں
بچ جایے تو دیوی ماں ہے
جل جایے تو پاپن
جس کا روپ جگت کی ٹھنڈک
اگنی اس کا درپن
سب جو چاہیں سوچیں سمجھیں
لیکن وہ بھگوان
وہ تو کھوٹ، کاپٹ کے ویری
وہ کیسے نادان؟
وہ کیسے نادان؟
اگنی پار اتر کے سیتا جیت گیئ وشواس
دیکھا دونوں ہاتھ بڑھاہے رام کھڑے تھے پاس
رام کھڑے تھے پاس
اس دن سے سنگت میں آیا ، سچ مچ کا ونواس

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

وطنآ وے او میرے آ وطنآ وے

وطنآ وے او میرے آ وطنآ وے
وطنآ وے او میرے آ وطنآ وے
بٹ گیے تیرے آنگن ، بوجھ گیے چولے سانجھے
لٹ گیں تیری ہیریں ، مر گیے تیرے رانجھے
وطنآ وے او میرے آ وطنآ وے
وطنآ وے او میرے آ وطنآ وے
کون تجھے پانی پوچھے گا ، فصلیں سینچے گا ؟
کون تیری مٹی میں ٹھنڈی چھاؤں بیجے گا؟
ویری کاٹ کے لےگے تیریاں ٹھنڈیاں چھاواں وے
وطنآ وے او میرے آ وطنآ وے
وطنآ وے او میرے آ وطنآ وے
ہم ناں رہے تو کون بسایے گا تیرا ویرانہ ؟
مُڑ که ہم ناں دیکھیں گے ، اور تو بھی یاد نا آنا
گیٹے ، کنچے بانٹ کے کرلی، کرلی کٹی
وطنآ وے او میرے آ وطنآ وے
وطنآ وے او میرے آ وطنآ وے

Monday, 14 June 2010

میر کیا سادہ ہیں ، بیمار ہوۓ جس کے سبب----------اسی عطار کے لونڈے سے دوا لیتے ہیں

I have writtin an article about the dilemma of our Shiite brothers and their leadership. and this is the typical example of it.
They don't even have an idea that, the very people they are sitting with, are the wost enemies of theirs'.

"نواں اسلام"

ورلڈ کپ میچ دیکھنے پر کوڑوں کی سزا
صومالیہ میں شدت پسندوں نے اپنے زیرِ اثر علاقے میں فٹبال شائقین کو خبردار کیا ہے کہ اگر کوئی شخص فٹبال ورلڈ کپ کا میچ دیکھتا پکڑا گیا تو اسے سرِعام کوڑے لگائے جائیں گے۔

اطلاعات کے مطابق ان علاقوں میں مسلح گروہ ایسے افراد کی تلاش میں ہیں جو ورلڈ کپ کے میچ ٹی وی پر دیکھ رہے ہیں۔

سنیچر کو صومالی شدت پسندوں نے ایک ایسے گھر پر حملہ کر کے دو افراد کو قتل کر دیا تھا جہاں لوگ فٹبال میچ دیکھ رہے تھے۔

شدت پسند گروہ حزب الاسلام نے موغادیشو کے شمال مشرق میں ایک ایسے گھر پر چھاپہ مار کر دس افراد کو گرفتار بھی کیا تھا جہاں لوگ ارجنٹائن اور نائجیریا کا میچ دیکھ رہے تھے۔

میری ایک آنکھ ٹی وی سکرین پر تھی اور دوسری دروازے پر اور ٹی وی کی آواز انتہائی آہستے تھی۔
صومالی فٹبال شائق
حزب الاسلام کے ترجمان شیخ محمد عابدی عروس کا کہنا ہے کہ باقی صومالیہ کو بھی ورلڈ کپ میچوں پر لگائی گئی پابندی کا احترام کرنا چاہیے۔

انہوں نے کہا ہے کہ ’ہم صومالیہ کی نوجوان نسل کو خبردار کرتے ہیں کہ وہ ورلڈ کپ کے میچ دیکھنے کی ہمت نہ کریں۔ یہ پیسے اور وقت کا ضیاع ہے اور پاگل آدمیوں کو اوپر نیچے اچھلتے کودتے دیکھنے سے کسی کو کوئی فائدہ نہیں ہوتا‘۔

صومالیہ کے بڑے حصے میں سرگرم شدت پسند گروہ الشباب نے بھی ایسی ہی پابندی اعلان کیا ہے۔

ہم صومالیہ کی نوجوان نسل کو خبردار کرتے ہیں کہ وہ ورلڈ کپ کے میچ دیکھنے کی ہمت نہ کریں۔ یہ پیسے اور وقت کا ضیاع ہے اور پاگل آدمیوں کو اوپر نیچے اچھلتے کودتے دیکھنے سے کسی کو کوئی فائدہ نہیں ہوتا‘۔
شیخ محمد عابدی
اس پابندی کے بعد صومالیہ میں فٹبال شائقین کے پاس چند ہی محفوظ جگہیں بچی ہیں جہاں وہ افریقہ میں منعقدہ پہلا ورلڈ کپ دیکھ سکتے ہیں۔ موغادیشو میں حکومتی کنٹرول کے علاقے میں واقع ایک چھوٹا سا سنیما فٹبال شائقین میں بہت مقبول ہو رہا ہے۔

شدت پسندوں کے زیرِ اثر علاقے کے ایک رہائشی نے بی بی سی کو بتایا کہ اس نے الجزائر اور سلووینیا کا میچ اپنے گھر پر دیکھا۔ ’میری ایک آنکھ ٹی وی سکرین پر تھی اور دوسری دروازے پر اور ٹی وی کی آواز انتہائی آہستے تھی‘۔

بی بی سی کے محمد اولاد حسن کا کہنا ہے کہ بہت ہی کم صومالی ایسے ہیں جنہیں سیٹلائٹ ٹی وی کی سہولت میسر ہے اور اسی لیے عوامی مقامات پر میچ دیکھنا صومالی عوام کی مجبوری ہے۔

تاہم وادی جبا کے شدت پسند اس معاملے میں ایک قدم آگے بڑھ گئے ہیں اور انہوں نے گھروں میں بھی میچ دیکھنے پر پابندی لگا دی ہے اور ان کا کہنا ہے کہ فٹبال میچ نوجوان نسل کی توجہ جہاد سے ہٹاتے ہیں۔

so called 'Good Taliban'

Until unless we come out of this self denial of good Taliban and bad Taliban we will not be able to eliminate this menace.
extremism is bad no matter done by any one.

Sunday, 13 June 2010

میں ہوں مشہور عشق بازی میں

وہ اپنی لا مکانی میں رہیں مست ----- مجھے اتنا بتا دیں میں کہاں ہوں

یہاں ہونا نا ہونا ہے ، نا ہونا عین ہونا ہے
جسے ہونا ہو کچھ ، خاک ے در ے جاناں ہو جایے

Waris Shah, Amrita Preetam - Aj Akhan Waris Shah Nu

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Ek Omkar

ik onkaar sat naam kartaa purakh nirbh-a-o nirvair akaal moorat ajoonee saibhn gur parsaad

There is but one God. True is His Name, creative His personality and immortal His form. He is without fear sans enmity, unborn and self-illumined. By the Guru's grace He is obtained.

Embrace His meditation.

aad sach jugaad sach.
True in the prime, True in the beginning of ages,

hai bhee sach naanak hosee bhee sach.
True He is even now and True He verily, shall be, O Nanak!

sochai soch naa hov-a-ee jay sochee lakh vaar.
By pondering on God, man cannot have a conception of Him, even though he may ponder over lacs of times.

chupai chup naa hov-a-ee jay laa-i rahaa liv taar.
Even though one be silent and remains absorbed in Lord's constant love he obtains not mind's silence.

bhukhi-aa bhukh naa utree jay bannaa puree-aa bhaar.
The hunger of the hungry departs not, even though they may pile up loads of the world's valuables.

sehas si-aanpaa lakh hoh taa ik naa chalai naal.
Man may possess thousands and lacs of wits, but not even one (goes with him) avails him in the Lord's court.

kiv sachi-aaraa ho-ee-ai kiv koorhai tutai paal.
How can we be true and how can the screen of untruth be rent?

hukam rajaa-ee chalnaa naanak likhi-aa naal.
O Nanak! By obeying, the pre-ordained order of the Lord's will.

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Arif Lohar at his Best

ایم ٹی وی پر’گناہ گار‘ سعودی

سعودی عرب میں پولیس ان تین سعودی نوجوانوں سے تفتیش کر رہی ہے جنہوں نے ایک ٹیلی ویژن شو میں مملکت کے قوانین پر تنقید کی تھی۔

سعودی خواتین

پروگرام میں ایک سعودی خاتون لباس کے حوالے سے عورتوں پر عائد پابندیوں پر تنقید کرتی ہیں

حکام کا کہنا ہے کہ ایم ٹی وی کی ایک دستاویزی فلم میں شریک ہونے والی ایک خاتون اور دو مروں سے ابتدائی تفتیش کے بعد ان کے خلاف عدالتی کارروائی کا فیصلہ کیا جائے گا۔

جدہ میں ایک عدالتی اہلکار کا کہنا تھا کہ ان افراد کے خلاف ’گناہ کا اعتراف‘ کرنے پر کارروائی ہو سکتی ہے۔

ایم ٹی وی کا چار حصوں پر مشتمل ’ریزِسٹ دا پاور‘ نامی یہ پروگرام امریکہ میں نشر کیا گیا ہے۔ اس میں ’فاطمہ‘ نامی ایک لڑکی خواتین پر لباس سے متعلق عائد پابندیوں کے خلاف بات کرتی ہے اور عبایا پر تنقید کرتی ہے۔

اس کا کہنا ہے کہ وہ اکثر اپنے آپ کو لڑکا ظاہر کر کے اور مردانہ کپڑے پہن کر سائیکل پر سیر کرتی ہے۔اس نے یہ بھی بتایا کہ وہ شوخ رنگوں کے عبایا بنا کر بیچتی ہے۔

عزیم نامی ایک چوبیس سالہ سعودی نے اس فلم میں سعودی عرب کے اسلامی نظام کے تحت معاشرے میں مردوں اور عورتوں کی تفریق سے متعلق پابندیوں پر بات کی اور ان پابندیوں کے باوجود اپنی محبوبہ سے ملنے کی کوششوں کے بارے میں بات کی۔ اس کا کہنا تھا ہمیں اپنی مرضی سے رہنے کی آزادی ہی نہیں ہے۔

عظیم نامی ایک چوبیس سالہ سعودی نے اس فلم میں سعودی عرب کے اسلامی نظام کے تحت معاشرے میں مردوں اور عورتوں کی تفریق سے متعلق پابندیوں پر بات کی اور ان پابندیوں کے باوجود اپنی محبوبہ سے ملنے کی کوششوں کے بارے میں بات کی۔ اس کا کہنا تھا ’ہمیں اپنی مرضی سے رہنے کی آزادی ہی نہیں ہے‘۔

اس پروگرام میں ایک سعودی ’ہیوی میٹل‘ بینڈ کو بھی دکھایا گیا ہے جس کو اپنے پروگراموں کے لیے جگہ نہیں ملتی۔

خیال رہے کہ پچھلے سال اکتوبر میں ایک سعودی شہری مازن ابو جواد کو پانچ سال کی سزا ہوئی تھی کیونکہ اس نے ایک لبنانی ٹی وی پروگرام میں اپنی جنسی زندگی اور معاشقوں کے بارے میں فخر سے بات کی تھی۔

اب سعودی حکام کا کہنا ہے کہ ایم ٹی وی کے پروگرام پر بات کرنے والے ان تین نوجوانوں کو بھی سخت سزا دی جا سکتی ہے۔

Do you what that in Pakistan?????

if not then resist the Saudi'ization of Pakistan

نه من بيهوده گرد کوچه و بازار می گردم

نه من بيهوده گرد کوچه و بازار می گردم
مذاق عاشقی دارم پی ديدار ميگردم
خدايا رحم کن بر من پريشان وار می گردم
خطا کارم گناهکارم به حال زار می گردم
شراب شوق می نوشم به گرد يار می گردم
سخن مستانه می گويم ولی هوشيار می گردم
گهی خندم گهی گريم گهی افتم گهی خيزم
مسيحا در دلم پيدا و من بيمار می گردم
بیا جانا عنایت کن تو مولانای رومی را
غلام شمس تبریزم قلندروار می گردم

Neo-Islam in Pakistan: we need to confront it with full force

June 3rd, 2010 [written by me and Published on]

Thanks to General Zia for the forced islamization of Pakistan, pouring bags full of US dollars and Saudi riyals and mushroom growth of madrassas of a particular ideology [wahabism and deobandism] which has created a generation who has a different way of seeing things.

The unholy nexus of the military, mullahs, and Muslim Leagues has affected the social, moral, and religious core of our society. The pre-Zia generation must have noticed that they have a different view to things when compared with the Zia and post Zia generations. All the efforts put in by this unholy nexus started paying off in 1980s and beyond and this started the emergence of a global new brand of Islam which I call as Neo-Islam, which was non existent before that.

This can also be compared with the emergence of Protestantism but the difference is that Protestantism didn’t have such a far reaching effect on the world as this neo-Islam has.

Neo-Islam is a combination of overlapping ideologies of wahabism, deobandism, Kharijites and militant Shiaism. This results in an end product of freelance Islamism which takes bits and pieces from most [if not all] ideologies and versions of Islam. It also interprets the scriptures in its most literal terms.

Some people might think that this is not a single ideology; yes it’s not, but the end result comes up with a set of characters and morals which are sufficient enough to call it a consistent ideology. For example it divides people into Muslims and non Muslims contrary to the old Islamic tradition of dividing people into good and bad. It’s global in its approach and propagates the slogan of ‘ummah’ which is fairly new. It has taken the people’s loyalty away from their country and put it back to the religion which is again contrary to old traditions of Islam.

It is racist in approach and considers Muslims as a race/unity/nation which is superior to all the others. It also takes a divine right to forces people a set of morals which it thinks is right. It has given much more importance to external features of religion [beard, naqab / hijab, naked ankle, a specific dress code] than the old traditional concept of purification of the soul or inner self. It judges others as good and bad Muslim by their dress, external features and Islamic terminologies in their language.

It has also produced and propagated a very successful hate propaganda against Jews, America, ‘the west’, India, Ahmedis, Shiites and Braelvis in descending order. It wants Muslims to believe in Quran and Shahih bukhari and nothing else. Every thing else thought, said or done will either be considers Biddah, Shirk or at least a major sin.

In today’s environment its starts from Maulana Maududi, Sayyed Qutb, and reaches Dr Israr Ahmed, Zakri Naik, Farhat Hashmi, Saudi daar ul fatwa, and its militant offshoots.

When we compare the Neo-Islam with our old indigenous Islam we notice that we used to be very tolerant people. We didn’t have an approach ‘to see everything with an ‘Islamic eye’ which neo-Islam teaches. We enjoyed music and dance as a part of religion. We enjoyed basant and nobody ever thought or questioned for 100s of years that it is Islamic or not. We used to go to shrines of Sufi saints of all faiths, never bothered checking if it is Islamic or not.

We never used to check each and every food label to ‘make sure its not made up of haram gelatin’. Our old traditional Islamic scholars opposed the creation of an Islamic State because they thought we could peacefully live with Hindus. We were wearing dhoti, patka, waistcoat, sherwani, shalwar qameez, dopata; dresses such as jilbab, hijab headscarf were alien to us.

We used to have statues at corners of most famous streets until late 1950s when a ‘neo-Muslim’ realised that these are ‘idols’. There were less mosques, less maulvis, less beards and buqah brigades but we were much better Muslims than what we have become today.

We never used to check or counter check every act, every statement and every moral under the close myopic eye of ‘Islam’.

But now every thing is different; you are not considered a Muslims until you hate Jews, Indians, Qadiyanis and Shiites. You are not a true Muslim until and unless you like Zakir Naik and accept him as a greatest preacher Islam has ever produced. You are not ‘Muslim’ if you don’t believe in global jihad, supremacy of Muslims, Muslims being the only rightful rulers of the world, Muslims being the most oppressed nation in the world.

This ‘Neo-Islam’ has utterly destroyed the very fabric of our society to its core. Now we are more ‘Muslim’ but less human. We have more mosques and mosque goers but lesser humanist morals. We now have people sitting on TV channels running programmes such as Aalim Online (often dubbed as Jahil Online), vomiting our Islamic myopic hatred left, right and centre, openly inciting one faith to attack the other.

Because of neo-Islam, Muslims are not safe in mosques, Imam bargahs and shrines, Christians are not safe in their homes, Ahemdis are killed every week, Sikhs are beheaded, Hindu girls are abducted, raped and then converted to ‘holy Islam’ and married to a ‘faithful’.

In my own ex-medical college, jamiya masjid [under tablighi control] is being used to recruit people to different banned outfit. You will find more doctors in the masjid than in the lecture theatre during the session.

Now in society as general if there is an argument between Muslims and non Muslim, Muslim is always right no matter how wrong he/she is. Almost 100 Ahmedis killed by the Taliban is ok but not 10 Muslims by Israelis. Hamas’s indiscriminate rockets on Isareli population are fine but not the drones against Abu-Yazid or others ‘brothers in faith’.

We as a society don’t have any problem, and sometime we get pleasure on the acts of Ajmal Kasaba ‘the butcher’.

These are only a few of the outcomes and effects of the ‘neo-Islamic’ generation which has now almost full control of media, intelligentia, bureaucracy, rightists political parties and establishment.

In my view all those who believe that this ‘neo-islamization’ of our society is wrong, they need to come forward. There is no time to sit in our cosy drawing rooms and chat rooms. We will have to come forward and strengthen the forces of liberalism, pluralism, federalism and socialism. I don’t want my kids to be taught or forced to do things which my forefathers never did. I want my kids future, their Pakistan saved from the dirty clutches of the ‘neo-Islamist’ agenda.

I don’t want a mullah sitting in a palace ordering my children what to wear, what to eat and how to behave. My forefathers never accepted this imperialistic approach neither did I and nor will my children. Come and join the liberal forces if you want a liberal, secular, pluralistic Pakistan, free of the barbaric neo-Islamists.

Long live Pakistan
Long live people of Pakistan

Dilemma of our Shiites brothers in Pakistan

Shiites comprise of about 17-25% of Pakistani population and have an immense role in shaping our religion, society, economy and politics for centuries. They have always been a vital source of inspiration of love, harmony , mutual respect and peaceful coexistence. They have been part and parcel of our national society through thick and thin of our times. They have served our great nation in all fields. They played a pivotal role in defeating an Imperialist Empire and the creation of Pakistan. Hazrat Lal Shahbaz Qalander who is consider as our national patron Saint is a prime example of indigenous, diverse and pluralistic saint who is not just holy and sacred to Shiites but to all other sects and faiths. I some times feel that if Shiites would not have been here we would have been a stagnant and unipolar society.

Shiites are distributed almost all across the Pakistan and don’t have any specific geographic, ethnic or cultural boundaries with in Pakistan. We can see Shiites who are ethnically Pakhtun, Sindhi, Punjabi and Bloch.

Shiites are also the most persecuted population of Pakistan. They have suffered more human loss than any body else In Pakistan. I feel that Shiites had more people killed on religious grounds than all others combine together. The attacks on Shiites have sharply risen since 1985 when Sipah-e-Sahabah [whom I call Sipah-e-yazid] was created by the establishment. We saw the worst attack on Shiites in late 1980s and beyond. Its worth mentioning that Lashker-e-Jhangvi and Jaish-e-Mohammad are the off shoot of SSP.

I remember 1990s when Shiite intellectuals, doctors, Lawyers, businessmen and religious scholars were targeted and ruthlessly killed by the SSP terrorists. Their Majlises, Imam Bargahs’ and processions were bombed. Even today Shiites in parachnar are under Siege, in the same way as the people of Gaza.

When we look into the politics of the Shiites leadership we realise that they have utterly failed to comprehend and grab hold of the politics of Pakistan. Shiites generally vote en block in elections and we all can imagine that 15-20% votes going on either side en block can make a huge difference. But they never used it tactically and their leaders had made fatal mistakes politically. Because of confusion of their leadership their youth has also become so confused that they had no idea which side of the argument they stand. They oppose the militancy by the Taliban and jehadi outfits in Pakistan but in a same breath they support the militancy by the Hezbollah.

They oppose Bin Laden and Mullah Omer but support Mr Nasrullah. I feel that they have not been able to come out of the religious bindings yet. I was surprised to see that ISO [Imamia Student Organization] was protesting against attack on Turkish Flotilla but they had criminal silence when Ahmedies were attacked by the same forces who are worst enemies of the Shiites.

Their leadership has aways played in the hands of the rightists [the religo-political establishment] they supported PML in 1990s against PPP and then been part of MMA. They legitimised General Musharraf , by the way who also had support of Azam tariq [then SSP head] as well. They are so confused that they oppose US and its drone attack on Abu-Yazid and also oppose the Taliban.

To my surprise they simultaneously were protesting for Taliban [ie Afia Siddique, Lal masjid] and against Taliban. They were against Taliban but were sitting with MMA [the mentors of Taliban]. They have supported PML, religious organizations and establishment who are the soul creators and mentors of the forces which were and are worst enemies of the Shiites. They don’t have a consistent and unified stand against terrorism. So in a way the message which we get from their leadership is that; terrorism is crime if its against Shiites but is ok if its against Jews, Ahmedies, Baha’ies, Americans and the Sunnis. Which is wrong totally and utterly wrong.

I think they will have to come out of this denial and stand with the people who stand for their rights not with the bloody forces who are solely responsible for the atrocities commentated on the Shiites. Its a difficult road/journey but then the Shiites will have to realise that terrorism is wrong no matter its committed against Shiites, Ahemedies, Jews, American, Baha’ies, Sunnis or anybody . They will have to join the forces which stand for equality of human irrespective of caste creed and religion. They simply cannot continue sitting with the religo-political establishment of Pakistan and keep crying that they are being oppressed and persecuted.

میر کیا سادہ ہیں بیمار ہوے جس کے سبب
اسی عطا ر کے لونڈے سے دوا لیتے ہیں

Dr Khawaja Muhammad Awais Khalil

[this was article by me writtin on 4-06-2010 and was published on]

Budget 2010-2011---at a glance

Below are the few salient features of Budget 2010-2011 which I think are very important to keep the records straight. I have noticed in most newspapers that these facts are some how ‘willingly or unwillingly’ lost in the piles of figures. And people of Pakistan are made to believe that there is nothing new in the Budget for them. I also must appreciate Hafeez Sheikh’s human style of presentation of budget. He also mentioned his driver Taj malik for his part in making up this budget.

* 50% increase in the Salary [largest ever increase in Pakistan]
* 15-20% increase in pension [largest ever increase in Pakistan]
* Double increase in the medical allowance for grade 1-15 public servants
* 25% increase in family Pension [Largest ever in Pakistan]
* Provinces will get 1033 Billions rupees [Largest ever in Pakistan] please note last year they got 655 Billions.
* 200,000 people of the most deprived area of the Pakistan will be provided Jobs on daily bases for 100 days. [2 lakh new Job for 100 days at least will affect 2 lakh families]
* 50 Billions rupees for BB income support program [Largest ever direst income support programme in the world directly affecting 40 Lakh [4 million] poorest of the poor families]
* No GST for businesses with less than 7.5 millions [75 lakh] rupees turnover.
* Not increased customs duty on anything.
* Decrease duty on cooking oil and ghee and 29 other items.
* Increasing the income tax band from 200,000 to 300,000. so if you earn less than 300,000 you don’t pay income tax.
* Tax on Stocks and Bonds.
* Increase tax on domestic flights, bonds, winning a lottery and other prizes. [nothing do with the poor people]
* 10% increase duty on Air condition and deep freezer [might affect the poor people with airconditioners!]


Dr Khawaja Muhammad Awais Khalil

تیزابیت اور گیسٹرائٹس کی علامات کو کم کرنے والی غذائیں   تیزابیت اور گیسٹرائٹس کی وجہ سے ہونے والی تکلیف کو کم کرنے کے لیے کچھ غذائیں مددگار...