Monday, 24 December 2012

Makhdom Ahmed Mehmood

Zardari has shown his new card to his political opponents. He has
unexpectedly change the Governor of Punjab from Latif Khosa to Makhdom
Ahmed Mehmood. Latif Khosa has been member of PPP for a long while and
has stood fast during its tough days as well. He is a lawyer and was
representing Benazir and Zardari in Pakistani courts. He is one of the
master of PPP defence in the courts. But he has never been a proactive
governor of Punjab. He doesnt has a family or financial backing to
oppose the Sharifs' the political opponents of Zardari. Thats why he
appeared to be a weaker and at times an emerbesment to the Governor

Makhdom Ahmed Mehmood, although been a 'Muslim League' all his life,
has the credentials and fullfill most of the criteria which zardari
has in his mind for a Governor. Some one who could at the same times
be acceptable/pallatable to the Shariefs' as well has a financial and
family backing to be able to stand infront of their pressures. MAM is
one of the biggtest , if not the biggest LandLord In punajb, owning
1000s of acre of well developed and productive agricultural land plus
also have a big inductrial empire. His family background has also been
sound his Father was the PM/CM of the state of Bahawalpur. He also has
famaily relationship to every 'whos who' family of Punjab. he is
counsin to Pir Pagaro, and Yousaf Raza Gilani, brother in Law to the
Jahangir Tareen and future father in law to the son of Shah Mehmood

so that makes him a very interesting man to be in Governor post. The
thing which goes against him is that he doesnt have a charasmatic
personality as Salman Taseer, He is not very articulate. I also feels
that he goesnt have a guts to stands on his own point of view in hard
times. But inspite of that He is bringing some new attributes and
creating some waves in the political of Punjab which is the decissive
place for the politics of Pakistan.

Lets see what he brings on!

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