Sunday, 22 November 2015

How to defeat with IS? My Plan.

IS (so-called Islamic state) has emerged as a devastating, ruthless organisation able to attack and kill innocent civilians in the heart of western Europe. almost all of the civilised world is united to condemn and condone this barbaric organisation. 
How to defeat this menace organisation is the most potent question nowadays. I think in my plan to deal with this problem, I will suggest following steps

  • We should try to get a consensus among the international and regional neighbours on this single point that IS is the biggest threat to all of them.
  • We must support all those who are already fighting with IS. They are the key to success. 
  • We should use airstrike/drones to destroy IS infrastructure and oil and money trails. But this must be done very carefully to minimise civilian casualties. 
  • We should take firm actions against all those who support, finance and recruit for IS. absolutely zero tolerance towards them. 
  • We, the Muslims, should claim our religion back  from IS and must stand against their theological narrative. International powers must support the majority Muslim voice.

I think If we take these steps and stand together there is no reason we will defeat this barbaric organisation.  

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