Wednesday, 18 November 2015

understanding extremits' narrative

Islamic extremists use a very powerful and apparently logical narrative. It is very important that we understand that narrative and try to identify the early signs of extremism. It has very sound bases in the holy scriptures. They use the examples from the holy Scriptures mix them with the current geo-political situation and then make a deadly combination of religio-political narrative which forms the ideological backbone of organisations like Al Qaeda, ISIS, Taliban and Boko Haram. Following are the salient features of their narrative.

  • America/West is the enemy of the Muslims.
  • America/West is controlled by the Jews
  • Non-Muslims cannot be friends with the Muslims.
  • America/West/Jews create, support, promote puppet governments in Islamic countries.
  • It's a religious duty of every Muslim to create an Islamic state with caliphate where sharia laws could be implemented by the state.
  • Jihad is an essential duty of every Muslim
  • Any person, government, state, group, or any organisation which opposes the Islamic state is anti-Islam/anti-Allah and Jihad is compulsory against them

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