Sunday, 15 November 2015

Paris Attack

Paris, one of the most romantic city in the world, was attached the terrorists on 13/11/15. More than 128 people were brutally killed and 100s injured. Some of those are critically injured and death toll is rising. Reports are that there were 3 group of terrorists attached different parts of Paris , with almost similar timings. There were random run away shootings, suicidal bombings and siege of the Bataclan Theatre. Majority of the People died at the Bataclan theatre, where they were watching an American rock band playing heavy metal Music. Terrorists storm in and started killing people indiscriminately.

French government initially was very cautious to blame anyone but after some time when the situation unfolded then they blamed IS for these attacks. IS (self-claimed Islamic state) also claimed the responsibility of these barbaric attacks. Since the claim of responsibility by IS there was wide spread condemnations directed towards IS and overwhelming urge to defeat this murderous organization. There are reports that some of Terrorists were French nationals, there were reports of possible Syrian migrant involved in it.

I think there is a global consensus that IS should be defeated. The earlier its is done the better it is. in the modern world its not possible that a murderous organizations like IS could be left by itself saying its not our issue. IS is a threat for Syria, its neighbours and then for everyone else. If IS is not defeated in their 'safe heavens' they will come and attack others in Europe, middle east and North America.  so I think rather than fighting them in the streets of London, Paris , New York its empirical that the IS is dealt with in their controlled areas. There is also confusion in the western powers about the solution of Syrian conflict. Some think Asad is bigger trouble and a cause of IS rise while others think Asad is lesser of an evil when compared with the IS. I think the western powers will have to agreed on a one point agenda than IS needs to go. They will have to use their full military might to wipe this evil out. Anything less than that will only bring more chaos in this already unstable area of the world.

Ideological principles of IS also needs to be sorted out, for this menace to stop re appearing. Muslims need to claims the core of their religion back from IS. At present it appears that most of the Muslims are confused between the modern western life style and the 1400 years old life style and morals of this barbaric group, self proclaimed Islamic State (IS). This confusion needs to be ended by themselves or with the help from others to take that giant leap where the Muslims could synchronize their lifestyle, morals, and cultures with the present times. Education and empowerment can be great tools to take that crucial step. Its painful to see Muslims living in western societies having difficulties to find the answer of these daunting questions.

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